UPDATE- SOLD! Please contact for local builder information. Lokahi is no longer available for lot sales from McFarland Development

Modern in Balance

Welcome to Lokahi at Wandering Creek. Dave Johnson with Studio 951 and Tim Gergen with Clark Enerson Partners and McFarland Development Corporation have teamed up to bring you a subdivision in the heart of Lincoln Nebraska that embodies sustainable living, modern and smart technology concepts.

This will be the first of it’s kind, where the entire subdivision will be under the cohesive architectural vision of Studio 951 to bring a unified contemporary development that utilizes the practices of balance and sustainability to Lincoln Nebraska. Lokahi means to have “balance” and to “sustain” in the Hawaiian language. The concept of Lokahi was birthed with the desire to bring Hawaiian architecture and island style living here locally.

The project utilizes the latest in architectural and engineering trends by highlighting open concepts and sustainable living practices. The innovation behind the development was to blend contemporary living while also engaging Nebraska’s natural habitat and making smart technology work for our environment. We wanted to bring a little bit of the Hawaiian Islands back to our neighbors here in Nebraska and our goal was to create a place that we desired to live in. From our Ohana to yours, Mahalo Nui Loa.

Build your custom home with Studio 951

Being a part of Lokahi gives you access to being part of a subdivision that encompasses the same vision and concept from beginning to end. Join this exclusive community and build with our architect to create your dream home!


Studio 951
